relationship among different living beings within their living habitat and
feeding habit is termed as biotic association. The sequence of eating and being
eaten in the community is called food chain and the network of the food chain
is called food web. Food web is the biotic association of diverse organism
interacting to each other within a particular habitat. Likewise other organisms
the algae also have amazing relationship with other organism. Algae provide the
food for amphipods and other terrestrial animals and also support the growth of
decay microorganisms. Algae show the symbiotic association with prokaryotes,
protists, fungi, animals and plants.
algae function in food wed as predators as they feed the large number of
bacterial population. Some other
eukaryotic algae prey on both bacteria and small eukaryotic cells. Certain
saprophytic algae ingest the organic material and most algae are photoautotroph. Heterotrophic microbes consume dissolved and
particulate organic carbon released from algae. Algae play an additional role
in food web as they defend themselves against herbivorous by means of toxins. When
such toxins reach in higher concentrations, they influence food webs
dramatically by causing illness and death of other organisms, which may affect
the health of humans and other vertebrates also. Algae secrete the detritus
which supports the growth of heterotrophic protists and other prokaryotic
organisms. The algal detritus may be completely or partially consumed by
decomposer bacteria and fungi, as well as the animals like ostracods, amphipods,
copepods, salps, fish etc. Algae secrete the various kinds of organic compounds
which include amino acids, peptides, amino sugars, carbohydrates,
lipopolysaccharides and dimethylsulfoniopropionate.
protists also consume the algae by the process of endocytosis, they are termed
as phagotrophs. They are either phagotrophic flagellates or ciliates or
amoebae. The marine herbivorous rotifers, crustacean, cladocerans and copepods
also consume the algae. The larger herbivorous animals like oligochaete worms,
freshwater depteran larvae, marine amphipods and pteropods are also consume the
algae. Other larger animal like limpets, mussels, crabs, sea urchins, insects
and fish also consume the algae. The rotifers are known to grow better on some
types of algal food than others. The algal species vary widely in their
ingestibility, digestibility, content of mineral nutrients and other essential
organic compounds. The algal species may be used for cultivation of shellfish
thus providing human food too. Some species of algae like Asthrospira has
traditionally been harvested and consumed in sauces.
Therefore algal food web associates the organic
exudates and detritus that fuel microbial loops, herbivory interactions and
algal defensive mechanism that may also affect the life of human and other
animals. The different types of microorganisms attack the algae causing disease
and death. Such disease microbes recycle the organic carbon of their algal
hosts and influence the food web.