In melanin biosynthesis, a copper containing oxygenase enzyme, tyrosinase plays a crucial role to catalyze the oxidation of L-tyrosine to 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), and further to DOPA quinone. Elastin has a key role for skin elasticity and its damage leads to decreased skin elasticity. Inhibition of elastase could be used to prevent the destruction of collagen. Similarly, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are responsible for cellular aging. Therefore, free radical scavenging compounds could be used as a cosmetic ingredient to relieve skin aging. Fourteen actinobacteria were isolated as effective strains and from the powder of supernatant cultures of these isolated bacteria, the inhibitory activities on mushroom tyrosinase, elastase and free radicals were evaluated in vitro. For the study of tyrosinase inhibition activities, when compared with arbutin (IC50 48.25 µg/mL), strain T65 showed the higher activity with IC50 value 45.24 µg/mL. For the elastase inhibition, the stains T65 and R311 have similar activities IC50 values 8.20 µg/mL and 8.30 µg/mL, respectively to the standard, oleanolic acid (IC50 8.11 µg/mL). For the studies on DPPH radical scavenging activities, two strains R311 and T327 showed higher activities than ascorbic acid (IC50 3.88 µg/mL), with IC50 values of 3.11 µg/mL and 2.71 µg/mL, respectively. Therefore, the actinobacterial strains isolated in this study can be used to produce active metabolites that may be useful for functional cosmetics.
Keywords: Melanin biosynthesis; 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA); tyrosinase inhibition; elastase inhibition; free radical scavenging activities.